Jordan Belfort, a motivational speaker, author, and former stockbroker, is also a convicted felon. The 58-year-old pleaded guilty to fraud and related crimes connected with stock-market manipulation and running a boiler room.
The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan's memoir, was adapted into a movie of the same name. Despite his fraud scheme, Belfort has been one of the top motivators in the business world. Today we look into a couple of tips on hiring and selling insurance from the pro.
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Focus In The Role Of Insurance Advisor Rather Than A Marketer
Jordan Belfort was known for selling insurance through the telephone, as shown in the movie portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio. The Wolf of Wall Street advises focusing on credibility, expertise, and authority while handling your clients.
Dressing the role of an advisor will help you maintain a good relationship between you and the customer. In addition, your clients will hear you more seriously as you are giving more than just marketing by focusing on a product.
He suggests making sure of what you are exactly selling and the benefits that come with it after choosing the product. Then, in terms of hiring, a firm should look for someone who has such advisor qualities and marketing qualities.
Know Everything In The First Meeting
The former stockbroker advises learning the priorities and requirements of your clients at the first meeting itself. One should never assume that all customers look for the cheapest option for the products and services.
Try to assemble as much information as possible during the initial conversation. Then, by understanding what your clients want, present your insurance products and explain the benefits they are offering from it.
Handle Objections Positively
Jordan Belfort directs to handle all the objections of your clients in a diplomatic fashion. When you have a positive mindset, you can converse more with your customer and get further insights.
This will not only make people aware of your business but also adds value to the customer relationship that you can maintain. So basically, companies should hire someone with good communication skills and someone who has a positive mindset.

Jordan Belfort was once a door to door salesman for a seafood company. Image Source: Jordan Belfort's Instagram.
As shown in the 2013 movie directed by Martin Scorsese, Belfort and his gang always maintain a positive relationship with their clients.
Assemble Yourself Properly
Belfort, who spent 22 months in prison, advises organizing yourself. This is one of the main components of every industry for its employees. When you have an organized pattern, you are not only able to perform well but also help maintain a good relationship with your client.

The Wolf of Wall Street has always stayed positive, regardless of the situation. Photo Source: Jordan Belfort's Instagram.
The American University alma mentions the less probability of failing in your scheme if everything is organized and functioned properly. Secondly. It is always nice to have someone well-managed working for your firm, especially someone you can rely on.
Have Control Over Your Environment
To be successful, you have to have control over your environment. As Jordon Belfort once quoted -
"If you give people a good why, they will always figure out the how"
People can always be influenced if you can influence them well enough. When you have control over the environment, you have a proper mindset and can handle negatively positively.
Firms should hire people who can adapt to their work scenario or environment, as Jordan suggests.
The Past Is Past
The 58-year-old advice not to be a slave to your past, which will affect the future. When you are stuck with your past, you will not be able to move forward.

Jordan Belfort suggests getting rid of your past in order to move ahead in life. Pic Source: Jordan Belfort's Facebook.
Everything in life is in front of you, which you have control over, rather than the past. Belfort mentions the past only hurts the powerful future that is installed for us.
Tonality & Body Language
Excelling in multiple forms of non-verbal communication like tonality and body language plays an important role in keeping up with your client's attention.
Jordan even quoted, the way we move and speak is a manifestation of what we will inside. Your body language and tonality should reciprocate with what you are selling.
In Jordan's memoir, The Way of The Wolf, the ex-convict focuses on the tonalities aspects like phrasing a statement like a question, closing your sale with a fair-minded tone, and many more.
Thrive To Earn
The New York native has been after the money throughout his career. However, he suggests that one can only make money if you have created value for your customer.

Jordan Belfort urges people to always stay hungry for money to succeed in their career. Image Source: Jordan Belfort's Facebook.
You should be able to create something that would make your customers demand it. Then, when you can do it, money will attract you since you have understood the concept. The company should get themselves someone who has the motivation to thrive and earn.
Here you have it, some of the crucial advices from the highly talented individual Jordan Belfort regarding selling and hiring insurance agents.
Unlike him, not all agents are into scamming and money laundering. His time in prison worked as enlightenment for him as Jordan Belfort has become one of the top motivational speakers.